CELTA and Technology – With or Without it?

Giulia Forsythe via Compfight In a recent end-of-course evaluation report,  one of our CELTA candidates suggested (complained is perhaps a better word) that her expectations of a higher grade on the CELTA course were not fulfilled because she did not know how to use technology. Had she not been encouraged to use it (by her tutor), sheContinue reading “CELTA and Technology – With or Without it?”

My favorite activity on the CELTA course – a successful lead in activity

A successful lead in activity A lead-in stage is  the first stage of any lesson and one of the first and  really basic  tools for an efficient and successful learning experience. With the right lead-in, students will be motivated and become more interested in the lesson. It is usually a short activity, but if itContinue reading “My favorite activity on the CELTA course – a successful lead in activity”