I have been Tagged

I’ve been tagged in the Tag-a-Blogger challenge by Marisa Constantinides, so here I go! What are the rules? They are simple: Introduce the person who tagged you. Share 11 random facts about yourself. Answer the 11 questions posed by the blogger who tagged you.  List/tag another 11 bloggers. Put your 11 questions to the bloggersContinue reading “I have been Tagged”

My favorite activity on the CELTA course – a successful lead in activity

A successful lead in activity A lead-in stage is  the first stage of any lesson and one of the first and  really basic  tools for an efficient and successful learning experience. With the right lead-in, students will be motivated and become more interested in the lesson. It is usually a short activity, but if itContinue reading “My favorite activity on the CELTA course – a successful lead in activity”